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Squad Goals

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

In case you've been under a rock or something, you may not have heard yet? (Or maybe we're just not connected on my social media platforms? Make sure to click those links on the homepage after this!)

But I am OFFICIALLY on the Beauty Team at Essential Aesthetics and Laser!! And I'm absolutely thrilled about it! Check out our new pics here and then I'll tell you a little story about how I got there below!

So I'm going to try and make a long story short! lol But I've known the owner, Lori Allesandrini, for at least 7 or 8 years now. She and I both had studio space in a little spot on 7th Street in Charlotte. I even did the makeup for her wedding! And let me tell you Lori has ALWAYS been the absolute sweetest person.

Her spirit and sincerity just draw you in. Not to mention, she gives a mean facial too! lol It wasn't long before she moved on and from afar, on social media, I watched her business blossom like the most beautiful flower.(Did I mention Kim and Kanye have visited her spa? 👀) I've always rooted for her and can honestly say she's done the same for me.

Fast forward to this craziness we call 2020. I invited Lori to come and get a Gua Sha facial after we were able to open back up after the quarantine. (Mind you, this is also the time when riots and protests where starting up all over the country.) And this beautiful soul came with no hesitation to my home studio.

That day, we both shared how we had been envisioning working together for some time! God had aligned it perfectly! She was opening in a new location and offered me an opportunity to be on her team. Absolutely! Is all I could say. She has been the biggest blessing to me! And this team of talented beauties couldn't be a better group of women to work with.

Join for our Virtual Grand Opening on Saturday September 26th! (I'm so damn excited!) So make sure to connect on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on all the cool things coming! And of course, book an appointment to come and see this gorgeous new spa and meet the whole team for yourself! Check out the official website below:

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