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Hi, I'm Joy Randall

This Is My Story

After college, I found myself working at a news station, but unknowingly depressed. I had done everything my parents wanted, but none of it was making me happy. I was working a job I absolutely hated, going through a breakup after a 10 year relationship and I didn't look anything like I wanted to look. I remember my Mom asking me if I wanted to revisit going to cosmetology school? (I used to beg her to drop out and go when I was in school) And my answer was a resounding YES! Diving into something I loved really helped me push into a completely new phase of my life. 


From that point on, I started to build a career and business I really enjoyed and believed in. I've worked with celebrities, had my work on tv and in major magazines and choose to live life my way! Since then, life has presented challenge after challenge and somehow I've learned to find the beauty in the process. I've experienced some of the absolute most amazing moments in my career at the same time of dealing with the most devastating disappointments. I've learned that knowing every makeup trick and skin tip in the book isn't what makes a person beautiful at all! It's the story they are writing with their life and a journey that radiates from the inside out. 


It's my mantra that you can't talk about makeup without talking about skin, you can't talk skin without talking about health and you can't talk health without talking about emotions. Beauty is a lifestyle. And I'm passionate about sharing all I've learned along the way with others navigating this thing called life. Yes, I want to share some of the latest makeup and skin care tips with you! But I also want you to understand how important getting to the root of why we make certain decisions is to achieving and sustaining those results. I will certainly share the beauty with you and the good, bad and the ugly too.  #JoyTaughtMe

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